Tijs Stumphius
"making sustainable decisions"
- 168 TOTAL
participant impact
UP TO1.0carbon footprintcalculated
UP TO30minutesspent learning
Tijs's actions
Practice the 5 Rs
I will practice the "5 Rs" — refuse, reduce, reuse, repurpose, and recycle — to reduce my waste more than I can with just recycling alone.
Lights on in dorm room for max an hour today
I think I can have the lights off way more often. I don't want to waste energy.
Learn About & Practice Sustainable Fashion
Multiple Industry Solutions
I will learn about sustainable fashion and begin practicing it in my own life.
Coastal, Ocean, and Engineered Sinks
Research the Wonders of Macroalgae / Seaweed
Macroalgae Protection and Restoration
Each day, I will spend at least 5 minutes learning more about protecting and restoring macroalgae/seaweed.
Coastal, Ocean, and Engineered Sinks
Smart Seafood Choices
Ocean Farming
I will visit seafoodwatch.org and download the app to commit to making better seafood choices for a healthier ocean.
Health and Education
Learn about the Need for Family Planning
Family Planning and Education
I will spend at least 5 minutes learning more about the need for family planning globally.
Land Sinks
Choose Better Wood Products
Forest Protection
I will only purchase wood and paper products from ecologically certified sources like Forest Stewardship Council.
Learn More About Geothermal Energy
Geothermal Power
I will spend at least 10 minutes learning more about the energy generation potential of geothermal energy and consider investing in this technology.
Learn More about Micro Wind
Micro Wind Turbines
I will spend at least 15 minutes learning more about the energy generation potential of micro wind.
Calculate My Household Carbon Footprint
I will calculate the carbon emissions associated with my household and consider how different lifestyle choices could reduce our carbon footprint and our impact on the environment.
Land Sinks
Forest-Friendly Foods 2
Tropical Forest Restoration
I will replace or remove the palm oil, coffee, and cocoa products in my current diet that are known to contribute to deforestation.
Participant Feed
Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.
To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?
Tijs Stumphius 11/18/2024 6:31 AMI left my lights out the whole day when it was bright outside and was not in my room when it was dark. I have gone a whole day without putting the lights on. -
Tijs Stumphius 11/15/2024 6:17 AMI have learned that you can eat seafood sustainibility if you look for certifications at the product you buy and see where it's from. There are multiple certifictions who tell al other things. Usually seafood without a certification or from countries far away in Asia for example is less sustainable than fishes from the pacific ocean. It is also better to eat little fishes where there are more from, than fishes like sharks.