Landry Mitchell
- 531 TOTAL
participant impact
UP TO6.0meatless or vegan mealsconsumed
UP TO1.0sustainable seafood mealconsumed
UP TO1.0carbon footprintcalculated
UP TO6.0lightbulbsreplaced
UP TO325plastic containersnot sent to the landfill
UP TO90minutesspent exercising
UP TO60minutesspent learning
Landry 's actions
Reduce Single-Use Disposables
Bioplastics; Reduced Plastics
I will avoid buying and using 10 single-use plastics and instead replace them with durable options.
Food, Agriculture, and Land Use
Cook With Sustainable Seafood
Improved Fisheries
Using the Seafood Watch guide, I will feature a sustainable seafood ingredient in a new recipe.
Choose LED Bulbs
LED Lighting
I will replace 6 incandescent lightbulbs with Energy Star-certified LED bulbs, saving up to $14 per fixture per year.
Food, Agriculture, and Land Use
Reduce Animal Products
Plant-Rich Diets
I will enjoy 2 meatless or vegan meals each day of the challenge.
Go for a Daily Walk
Walkable Cities
I will take a walk for 20 minutes each day and take note of the infrastructure that makes walking more or less enjoyable, accessible, and possible.
Learn More about Wave and Tidal Energy
Ocean Power
I will spend at least 60 minutes learning more about the energy generation potential of wave and tidal energy.
Calculate My Household Carbon Footprint
I will calculate the carbon emissions associated with my household and consider how different lifestyle choices could reduce our carbon footprint and our impact on the environment.
Participant Feed
Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.
To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?