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Nichols Deb's avatar

Nichols Deb

JAC students


  • 0 TODAY
  • 731 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    more servings
    of fruits and vegetables
  • UP TO
    spent exercising
  • UP TO
    with people

Nichols's actions

Food, Agriculture, and Land Use

Smaller Portions

Reduced Food Waste

I will use smaller plates and/or serve smaller portions when dishing out food.



Go for a Daily Walk

Walkable Cities

I will take a walk for 35 minutes each day and take note of the infrastructure that makes walking more or less enjoyable, accessible, and possible.


Food, Agriculture, and Land Use

More Fruits And Veggies

I will eat a heart healthy diet by adding 2 cups of fruits and vegetables each day to achieve at least 4 cups per day.



Spread the Word about Energy Alternatives

All Electricity Solutions

I will research and tell 2 people each day about the benefits of alternative energy sources like wind turbines, solar energy, geothermal energy, and methane digesters.



Improve a Bus Stop

Public Transit

I will improve a bus stop in my neighborhood by posting the stop schedule, adding seating or shelter, adding art or flowers, picking up litter, or implementing some other small improvement.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Nichols Deb's avatar
    Nichols Deb 4/11/2024 5:03 PM
    Wasn't able to talk to anyone about energy alternatives today and wasn't able to reach my daily 35-minute walk. I plan on catching up tomorrow.

  • Nichols Deb's avatar
    Nichols Deb 4/10/2024 6:20 PM
    Walking outside for 30-35 minutes and then coming back home to eat some fruits has become a habit. Once again, I saw more people walking outside and using their bikes, but also a lot more cars. Traffic was heavy.

  • Nichols Deb's avatar
    Nichols Deb 4/09/2024 7:37 PM
    The weather is starting to get nicer, which explains why I saw a lot more people walking or using bicycles.

  • Nichols Deb's avatar
    Nichols Deb 4/07/2024 6:14 PM
    I went for a little jog today (35 minutes) and then had a few servings of pears and strawberries.

  • Nichols Deb's avatar
    Nichols Deb 4/05/2024 1:14 PM
    Mentioned renewable energies to my uncle and he told me that he was already thinking about adding solar panels back to one of his properties in Bangladesh. Walked for about 35 minutes near my primary school, so brought back a lot of memories.

  • Nichols Deb's avatar
    Nichols Deb 4/04/2024 8:05 PM
    Had no electricity today, so it made me think about renewable energies and how some systems offer energy storage for times of need such as a snowstorm. Also, wasn't able to walk outside today due to the snow, which is why I counted the time it took me to walk back and forth from the train station to school as my daily minutes.

    • Jessica Burpee's avatar
      Jessica Burpee 4/05/2024 1:41 PM
      This reminds me, I don't think Hydro Quebec lets us store energy from our solar panels and sell it back to the grid the way they let people in Ontario. This needs to change - a petition topic for someone next year?

  • Nichols Deb's avatar
    Nichols Deb 4/03/2024 5:27 PM
    Today I walked for around 35 minutes with my grandmother around the neighborhood and we each had an apple afterwards.

    • Nichols Deb's avatar
      Nichols Deb 4/10/2024 6:22 PM
      Of course, she'll be more than happy to be included in my schoolwork!

    • Jessica Burpee's avatar
      Jessica Burpee 4/05/2024 1:42 PM
      We want photos of your grandmother! Ha ha, just kidding, but I love that image in my head. Can you put one in your report?

  • Nichols Deb's avatar
    Nichols Deb 4/02/2024 8:06 PM
    I completed my daily actions today, which wasn't much different from yesterday. Getting used to taking breaks from studying and walking around my neighborhood.
    Transportation Improve a Bus Stop
    How can you advocate for transportation systems which minimize environmental impact while also meeting human needs?

    Nichols Deb's avatar
    Nichols Deb 4/02/2024 8:04 PM
    I think that public transport is a good start since it cuts down the emissions from all the car owners that decide to take collective transport. This is why I posted the bus schedule times to my "close-friends" on my Instagram story, because I know many of them live close by and could opt for the bus instead of using their cars.

  • Nichols Deb's avatar
    Nichols Deb 4/01/2024 5:15 PM
    It's going pretty well since my actions doesn't require a lot of time from my day and on top of that are fairly simple to do.