Anthony Alex
- 524 TOTAL
participant impact
UP TO22zero-waste mealsconsumed
UP TO6.0meatless or vegan mealsconsumed
UP TO14milestraveled by carpool
UP TO14milesnot traveled by car
UP TO16pounds of CO2have been saved
UP TO450gallons of waterhave been saved
UP TO35minutesspent exercising
UP TO75minutesspent learning
Anthony's actions
Install a Low-Flow Showerhead
Low-Flow Fixtures
I will save up to 15 gallons (56 L) of water a day or 450 gallons (1,680 L) a month by installing a low-flow showerhead.
Learn about 'Green Gentrification'
Multiple Solutions
I will spend at least 30 minutes learning about green gentrification and how it relates to city planning for climate action.
Replace Manual Thermostats
Smart Thermostats
I will replace manual thermostats with smart ones.
Food, Agriculture, and Land Use
Zero-Waste Cooking
Reduced Food Waste
I will cook 3 meals with zero-waste each day.
Food, Agriculture, and Land Use
Learn the Truth About Expiration Dates
Reduced Food Waste
I will spend at least 30 minutes learning how to differentiate between sell by, use by, and best by dates.
Food, Agriculture, and Land Use
Learn about Local Indigenous Practices
Indigenous Peoples' Forest Tenure
I will spend at least 30 minutes learning how local indigenous tribes are caring for the land by participating in a training, workshop, or presentation.
Food, Agriculture, and Land Use
Reduce Animal Products
Plant-Rich Diets
I will enjoy 1 meatless or vegan meals each day of the challenge.
Calculate My Household Carbon Footprint
I will calculate the carbon emissions associated with my household and consider how different lifestyle choices could reduce our carbon footprint and our impact on the environment.
Land Sinks
Forest-Friendly Foods 1
Tropical Forest Restoration
I will spend at least 30 minutes researching the impact of my diet to see how it contributes to deforestation.
Use Public Transit
Public Transit
I will use public transit 14 miles per day and avoid sending up to (___) lbs of CO2 into Earth's atmosphere.
Research and Consider Switching to a Hybrid or Electric Vehicle
Electric Cars, Hybrid Cars
I will spend at least 30 minutes researching and weighing my options to see if a hybrid or electric vehicle makes sense for my lifestyle.
Try Carpooling
I will commute by carpool 24 miles per day and avoid sending up to (___) lbs of CO2 into Earth's atmosphere.
Go for a Daily Walk
Walkable Cities
I will take a walk for 20 minutes each day and take note of the infrastructure that makes walking more or less enjoyable, accessible, and possible.
Choose LED Bulbs
LED Lighting
I will replace 2 incandescent lightbulbs with Energy Star-certified LED bulbs, saving up to $14 per fixture per year.
Learn About & Practice Sustainable Fashion
Multiple Industry Solutions
I will learn about sustainable fashion and begin practicing it in my own life.
Participant Feed
Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.
To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?
REFLECTION QUESTIONFood, Agriculture, and Land Use Reduce Animal ProductsWhy do people in richer countries eat more meat than people in other places? How does eating more meat affect our bodies, our planet, and other people?
Anthony Alex 2/01/2024 12:28 AMThis one was quite odd for me, to be completely honest. I consume quite a large amount of meat in my diet. Today, after reading and reflecting on the process of how as humans, we constantly kill creatures for food so that we may survive. We just are unattached to the process since we get our meat from a grocery store. Today I tried my first vegan dish; it wasn't my favorite but I had lower hopes for it, than in reality. I will consider eating more vegan dishes to minimize my impact